Foods to Avoid With Dental Bridges

Foods to Avoid With Dental Bridges

If you’ve ever been hesitant to smile because of a gap between your teeth, you know how important your teeth are. They ensure proper dental function for those with missing teeth and restore one’s smile and self-confidence. Below, we cover foods to avoid with dental bridges.

And you’re probably here because you’re thinking of having dental bridges or you have recently had them placed. Whichever you are of the two, it’s important for you to know what foods you can eat and what to avoid.

Although dental bridges are highly durable and may serve you for many years, the bad news is that they are not permanent. They don’t last forever.

Foods to Avoid With Dental Bridges

According to the American Dental Association, bridges typically need replacement after seven years. Therefore, proper care and maintenance are important if you want them to last as long as possible.

Maintaining the integrity of your dental bridges requires you to be mindful of your cleaning and dietary choices.

To preserve the integrity of your bridges and protect them from potential damage, we are giving you a list of foods that are best left off your plate and drinks that should just stay inside the bottle.

Foods and Beverages to Avoid

Sticky foods like gummy bears, caramel, gum, and other sticky candies.

Sticky foods may accidentally pull the dental bridges out if and when the bridges get stuck on the food.

The sticky foods that get stuck between or underneath your dental bridges may leave particles behind, which might become breeding grounds for bacteria.

Sugary foods and drinks like cakes, candies, pastries, cola, ice cream, etc.

Although you should not worry about tooth decay when it comes to your dental bridges, foods that contain a lot of sugar should still be avoided.

These sugary foods can still affect the teeth adjacent to the bridge, and when these teeth get damaged and grow weak, they will no longer be able to support the bridge and may need replacement after the damaged teeth get treatment.

Hard foods like chips, nuts, and popcorn kernels

Eating hard foods requires more force than softer foods. And sometimes, they may even require excessive force. The excessive force used in chewing and munching on hard foods may damage the structure of the dental bridge. This may happen slowly or suddenly in the form of a crack or chip.

This can compromise the structure of the dental bridge, and there is a higher likelihood of other dental and oral health problems ensuing. When this happens, your dental bridge will need to be replaced.

Acidic foods like citrus fruits and beverages like lemonade, sports drinks, powdered drinks, and flavored tea

Acids damage the enamel of your teeth, making the teeth adjacent to your dental bridge susceptible to decay. And when they do decay and need to be treated, your dental bridge will need to be replaced.

Beverages that can stain like coffee, cola, or wine

Yes, dental bridges are made of materials that are resistant to stains. However, this does not mean that discoloration is no longer possible.

If you are particularly fond of cola, wine, coffee, and tea, it’s time to look for a new favorite drink! This is if you want to preserve the clean, pearly whiteness of your dental bridge.

Staying away from foods and drinks that may pose some risks to your dental bridge and prevent it from living a long life is a low price to pay for a great smile, normal speech, improved self-confidence, and proper dental function.


  • Avoid chewing in the area of your dental bridge.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. This will help you remove food particles and prevent plaque from forming.
  • Have regular dental check-ups to allow your dentist to identify any issue early on and to ensure that your dental bridges are in their best shape.
  • Refrain from using your teeth to tear plastic, open packages, or perform any other tasks that they are not designed for.
  • If you smoke, quit. If you don’t, don’t start. Smoking will stain your natural teeth and your bridges. It can also increase the chances of tooth decay.
  • Call your dentist immediately for any concerns or issues.

By following the tips we’ve mentioned above, you can be assured that your porcelain dental bridge will serve you well and long.

Preserving your oral health reflects your commitment to your overall health and wellness. And as you continue to put your self-care on your list of priorities, always remember that your dentist, as your partner in oral health, is always ready to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide needed oral treatment.

Absolute Family Dentistry
2641 Hamner Avenue Suite 101
Norco, California 92860
Office Hours
Mon – Fri: 9:00AM – 5:00PM Saturday & Sunday: Closed